Open Positions
Thank you for showing interest in working with me! :) I am always open to having researchers, who are excited about deploying robots in real-world Chemistry laboratories, join my group as PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, visitors or summer interns.
PhD Openings
I have a fully funded PhD studentship within the CDT for Digital and Automated Materials Chemistry, starting in 2025. If you want to help us transform how robotic chemists are designing, developed and deployed in human-centric labs, this position is for you! Please send an email with the subject [Prospective PhD CDT Student] if you would like further information. Official applications will only be processed if submitted through the University portal and I would encourage you to include a short CV, cover letter including your motivation for applying and your experience with robotics, machine learning, programming (C++, Python) and specifically why you are interested in working with me and my group and why you would like to be a part of the CDT.
Currently, I do not have funding for postdoc positions. However, feel free to contact me if you are still interested in joining my lab and I would be happy to support you in obtaining external funding through the following schemes: Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships, Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships e.g. RAEng IC Postdoctoral Fellowships, and other similar schemes here. Please include a CV and a research statement describing you previous work and future plans.
Undergraduate Students
I have several opportunities for undergraduate students to join my group:
- For UoL CS students, I supervise and offer projects in COMP390.
- For UK-based students, I offer summer internship projects through the Google Deepmind Research Ready Programme. Please contact me with the subject [Prospective UG Summer Internship], including a short CV, cover letter including your motivation for applying and your experience with robotics, machine learning, programming (C++, Python) and specifically why you are interested in working with me and my group.
- For international students, I offer projects through the Summer Research Programme.
Application Tips
- I highly value interpersonal skills in my students.
- I value intellectual curiosity and students who have an inquisitive nature.
- My research and group is highly interdisciplinary; hence, I value and will support students who have various backgrounds.
- I am particularly excited to work with students who are enthusiastic in deploying algorithms on real-world robots and who share the same passion for robotics as I do :)