Open Positions
Thank you for showing interest in working with me! :) I am always open to having researchers, who are excited about deploying robots in real-world Chemistry laboratories, join my group as PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, visitors or summer interns.
PhD Openings
I have a fully funded PhD studentship (for home/EU settled students due to the nature of the funding) aligned with my Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship on “Upskilling robotic scientists for long-term laboratory workflows”, starting in 2024. If you are interested in any of the following topics: (1) Learning generalizable laboratory skills, (2) Introspective robot learning for laboratory tasks and/or (3) Dual-arm laboratory skill learning, (4) Safer robot chemists in real lab environments, I would be happy to consider your application. Please send an email with the subject [Prospective PhD Student], including a short CV, cover letter including your motivation for applying and your experience with robotics, machine learning, programming (C++, Python) and specifically why you are interested in working with me and my group.
Currently, I do not have funding for postdoc positions. However, feel free to contact me if you are still interested in joining my lab and I would be happy to support you in obtaining external funding through the following schemes: Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships, Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships e.g. RAEng IC Postdoctoral Fellowships, and other similar schemes here. Please include a CV and a research statement describing you previous work and future plans.
Undergraduate Students
I have several opportunities for undergraduate students to join my group:
- For UoL CS students, I supervise and offer projects in COMP390.
- For UK-based students, I offer summer internship projects through the EPSRC Vacation Internships and the Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Summer Internships. Please contact me with the subject [Prospective UG Summer Internship], including a short CV, cover letter including your motivation for applying and your experience with robotics, machine learning, programming (C++, Python) and specifically why you are interested in working with me and my group.
- For international students, I offer projects through the Summer Research Programme.
Application Tips
- I highly value interpersonal skills in my students.
- I value intellectual curiosity and students who have an inquisitive nature.
- My research and group is highly interdisciplinary; hence, I value and will support students who have various backgrounds.
- I am particularly excited to work with students who are enthusiastic in deploying algorithms on real-world robots and who share the same passion for robotics as I do :)