I am a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Robotics and Chemistry Automation at the University of Liverpool. With my group, I am very excited to develop methods towards creating the next generation of robotic scientists for accelerating material discovery.
Research Interests
My research interests lie within the intersection of robotics and applied machine learning, with a particular focus on intelligent robotic manipulation for laboratory environments. I am broadly interested in the following topics:
- contact-based robot skill learning
- failure recovery methods in laboratory environments
- safe human-robot collaboration
- machine vision for laboratory environments
- physics-constrained learning
Moreover, I am passionate about deploying algorithms to control the dynamic behaviour of robots with the goal of moving closer to robots that can adapt in real-world environments.
I have a CDT PhD studentship available for October 2025. Further details on the position (and others) and how to apply is available in the Openings page.
Most Recent News
(12/2024) We have been awarded the Google Deepmind Research Ready grant for our programme ‘Upskilling Students in AI and Robotics for Materials Discovery’. If you are a UK-based student in your penultimate year (and satisfy at least one of the `widening participation criteria’), and would like to join us in Liverpool in Summer 2025, contact me! :)
(11/2024) I gave an invited talk at UoM on Fellowship Grant Application.
(11/2024) I gave an invited talk at the LRC Symposium.
(10/2024) Laura (CDT DAMC) and Cenk (RAEng RF-aligned PhD) have joined my research group as PhD students - stay tuned for their research work on safer and upskilled robotic chemists!
(08/2024) Kevin presented our work on Accelerating Laboratory Automation Through Robot Skill Learning For Sample Scraping at IEEE CASE 2024 which was also nominated for the Best Healthcare Application award!
(06/2024) Alex joined my group as an AIchemy UG student researcher.
(05/2024) I started my role as RAL for CMD at the Henry Royce Institute.
(04/2024) I gave an invited talk at the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium
(02/2024) Imperial and Liverpool will lead UK’s flagship £12m AI for Chemistry Hub AIChemy - led by Andy and Kim. Thrilled to be part of this exciting research hub.
(02/2024) We are organising the first workshop on Accelerating Discovery in Natural Science Laboratories with AI and Robotics at IEEE ICRA 2024! CFP is out!
(01/2024) Our paper Modular, multi-robot integration of laboratories: an autonomous workflow for solid-state chemistry has been published in Chemical Science. Congrats Amy!